Woman, Thou Art Loosed!

Promote the conference with intentional storytelling and elevate the overall conference experience, from online registration to in-person engagement, to attract women from around the world for the final curtain call.

The previous website did not capture the overall excitement and significance of the Woman, Thou Art Loosed! conference’s grand finale as it lacked storytelling, dimension, and an interactive user experience that would compel users to register.

Integrated digital marketing strategy across social media, email, SMS, web as well as TV, direct mail, and magazines helped drive audience engagement and conversions.

The vibrant website redesign enhanced the user experience and included timeline of past conferences and its rich history, robust speaker and artist lineup, venue map and exciting recommendations of things to do and see in Atlanta, and dedicated sponsorship page highlighting Coca-Cola's unwavering support of women's empowerment.

E-commerce offerings included branded apparel, accessories, totes, books, and stationery.

20K+ attendees were represented, from Texas to South Africa, at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, marking the end of an era.